Monday, September 19, 2011

Yes, it's been a while...

But I'm fairly certain no one has missed me.  Anyway, it's been busy; we traveled, went to a wedding, let a favorite foster dog go, picked up a new foster dog, etc.  I need to start taking more photos so I can share with the in-tar-net.  Meanwhile, this is Tiger.  She is my 20 year old cat, whom I have shared my life with since the age of 10.  Yeah, yeah, do the math.  It's pretty straightforward.  She is a feisty old girl, and we wouldn't have it any other way.  She mostly eats and lays in the sun, but that's a good life for one who is approximately 96 years old, huh?  She likes to make burrows for herself in my bed.  Usually they are in such place that there is no room for anyone besides the 7 lb cat in the queen sized bed.  Amazing!

There has also been some quilting.  I've worked on something for my dad, something for my mom (yes, they live together; no, apparently they can't share.  I don't make the rules, people.), something for my sister and tried to finish up a WIP or two before starting something else.  It's amazing how difficult that can be.  There are so many ideas floating around in my brain.

I need some practice at taking quilt pictures, but this is one that was floating around in my head last April, and has been delivered to my Mom in plenty of time for this coming Christmas.  I have had a few people interested enough in it that they want me to make them their own.  Commissions!...sort of.  From family and friends.  But still!  This uses Laurel Burch fabric and the pattern is Kate Conklin's "Pine for You."  Tons of fun.

Soon I will have my memory card back and will start showing more recent things, as well as things that I'm working on.  I also need to share all my WsIP so others can start keeping me honest.  And on that note, Good Night.

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